Friday, November 9, 2007

sick fish =(

Currently one of my goldfish is very sick.
It has been diagnosed with fish dropsy which is edema (collection of fluids) in his stomach thus it is extremely bloated and its scales are like sticking out like porky pines =(
its so sad =( i feel so helpless like i can't help it...and i think its condition is pretty bad atm so i dont' think you can treat it anymore. All of its internal organs are failing to function at the moment!
Its only a matter of time ....

ps google dropsy fish for pictures...
BEWARE: i found it disturbing!!! hence i did not upload a pic coz i can't bare to look at it =(

Tuesday, November 6, 2007



GENG1003 aka IPE aka Introductory to Professional Engineering.


Want to torture someone? Make them sit through a semester of IPE.
You get to write journals about your thoughts and feelings and waste your afternoons sitting in on 3hr tutorials! LOVES IT!