Sunday, August 24, 2008

100th post!

my 100th post! yey!!

anyway olympics are over in beijing! **sad face**
i liked the idea of flicking on the tv at any pt of hte day and watching a piece of the action! =)
but now its back to the usual crappy tv shows like IDOL -.-

tm i get to flip my red p plates to green!! YEY!!! lol
i've been driving for 6 months now -.- boy does time fly!

thurs was RICE..i got absolutely hammered! thankfully i can pose in front of a camera so i didn't look hammered HAHAHAHA!! but trust me i was...
and i hav an unusual craving for mi goreng after...

alot of uni work to do tm! well catch up and STUDY!
*Comp sci labs -.-
*DS labs start this week =(
*power tutes
*DS tute #3 & #4
*study for power test that is NEX week!


and i hav a few ilectures to do as wel...

back to work it is!


Monday, August 18, 2008


its 2.30am! and yey my 1302 lab is COMPLETO!

YEY!! im so happy coz i hate writing up experiments!
i really dont care wat happens after all the "fun" of doing it!

i think i should sleep! before i get panda eyes! =)


Monday, August 11, 2008


on sat i ran into so much bad luck!

*PARKING FINE: i got my first parking fine!
i parked outside my sis's apartment and came down to find a tix on my windscreen!
apparently its NOT FREE parking on weekends until afta 12pm! I NEVER KNEW THAT! and i've gotten away with it like pretty much everytime! I GOT FINED AT 11.23am as close -.-
its better than a speeding fine right??!!
*PAY PARK: i had to pay park at work today! all the times i've parked there was never a conceige guy there to charge me so GAHHH!!!
*NO PARKING: i paid park and no parking on bottom floor near hte lobby where i ALWAYS find parking! so i had to drive all the way up to the top (ie roof) and WALK ALL THE WAY DOWN!!!
*SPILT BBT: i spilt bubbletea in the car
*BROKE NECKLACE: i somehow broke my necklace!
*DEMANDING GUESTS: the tables i had to wait on were SUPER demanding and i was constantly running around! in the first 10mins i had to run around finding a baby chair!!!
really annoying >.<
*SPILT A JUG OF WATER: i thort i could place it on the baby chair whilst i was holding something else but apparently the table on the baby chair couldn't handle the weight and snapped off spilling the jug of water everywhere...

more bad luck but i really CBB listin it all coz its all so depressing =(

i hope for a better day =)


Monday, August 4, 2008


yes my cravings are back!

and this time its white chocolate...

i really could do with some right now =(

second week of uni starts tm...
