Thursday, December 4, 2008


yesterday i popped my car tyre...

it was very scary =(

how did i do it??!!
i turned a corner and drove over this kerb LOL and somehow popped my car tyre lol
the car jus slowed down and then it jus sounded and felt really funny...
and this was on the causeway...thank goodness it was late at nite so traffic wasn't bad...


bad luckness...and i came home to find my shelf had fallen down ...
i blame heavy uni of hte bolts came out..and that particular shelf layer (wateva u want to call it) tipped over...and so did my uni books and papers etc etc...
and coz i dont file things properly..there were papers everywhere...
i cbb cleaning it up so ive jus kinda piled everything up...
once again taht jus adds to the mess in my room -.-

i cbb bloggin about my bad


Friday, November 28, 2008


inspired by a few posts by ppl in the shoutbox, i shall BLOG AGAIN!!!

and so the LOOONG summer hols have begun!
i rememba last year i had vietnam to look forward to!
this year i have china mid jan but im not sure if i still want to go or not...

i mite cancel it if i can or get credit or soemthing....i really dont know atm...
i shud really call the travel agency up soon...

anyway i pretty much finished my exams on the last day - friday! whilst everyone else pretty much partied ONE WEEK EARLIER THAN ME..DAMMIT!!!!

i had to work that fri and sat wen everyone was at metros as well!
luckily i finished work rather early on sat and managed to stumble out to metros IN THE RAIN at about 2.30am!
didn't bump into many ppl tho coz most ppl leave at that time anyway ...sighhhh
anyway afta metros...i stumbled wiht my workmates to burswood where we continued to dirnk even more -.-
at first they wouldn't let us in.
burswood staff: so where did u guys jus come from? clubbing in northbridge?? u guys look rather intoxicated...
us: uhhh we jus finished work, we work in hospitality man...hours are shitty and we only start goin out now...not as if we hav a choice...wish we could go clubbing..if only we finished earlier...we're jus here to celebrate katts b'day!
burswood staff: ah okay..i'll let u in this time!

whilst on on the topic of burswood i thort i'd rant on about sunday nite wen i went to the sunday session at ruby!
music was shit and they refused to serve me shots!!!!!
i didn't feel liek another nite of drinking alot of alcohol and i jus wanted a quick fix to get myself drunk! so shots seeemed like the answer but becoz of their new liquor laws blah blah blah they couldnt serve me a shot unless the glass was filled with ice! WTF RITE??!!
i was so mad that i went home LOL
i had work the nex day at 6am anyway!

i now work at the traffics operation centre somewhere in the city during the day!
its pretty kool!
i get to see all the peak hour traffic on these multiple tv screens in the morning and in the arvo!
so i know wat routes to avoid goin home HAHAHAHA...

well its hitting 1am and im thinking...i shud go to bed seeing as tho i hav to get up for work AGAIN in the nex 5 hrs...
i hav no social life now...facebook has taken over my social life...
i seriously dont hav time to jus "hang out" anymore...
i work during the at nite but im so freaking tired fromw ork that i jus want to go home and KO ready for the nex day -.-

and then weekends its jus work work work at sheraton...soemtimes i jsu want a day off and jus BREATHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

i miss the days wen i could jus sleep in.... >.<

unitl the nex blog!!

thanks to those who still come to this page and read about me ranting on and on about random shit =)
i love u all


Wednesday, November 5, 2008


i cbb studying for exams!
its the same stupid sh*t everytime i open the book!

and i hate the fact that i dont hav a choice...if i dont study i fail..GAHH hate that outcome!

i want a money tree =)
how perfect would my life be then!
**keeps dreaming**

i need to stop facebooking, shopping and eating...


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

yey to me!

yey to me!

2009 msu president =)
**happy face**
i hope 2009 is a successful year for msu! loves that club **love heart**

shopping thurs nite! i can't wait =) EEEEEEEK!!!!!!
im addicted to shopping....

Sunday, October 19, 2008

midnight bottle!

i like this song...

Midnight bottle take me calmly through my memories
And everything will come back to me
Midnight bottle make it real what feels like make believe
So I can see a little more clearly
Like every single move you make,
Kissing me so carefully,
On the corners of my dreaming eyes

I've got a midnight bottle gonna drink it down
A one way ticket takes me to the times we had before
When everything felt so right
If only for tonight
A midnight bottle gonna ease my pain
From all these feelings driving me insane
I think of you and everything's all right
If only for tonight

Got a midnight bottle
Drifting off into the candlelight
Where I can find you any old time
Midnight bottle I forgot how good it felt to be in a dream
just like you had me
'Cause lately I've been stumbling feels like I'm recovering
But I think it's only for tonight

I've got a midnight bottle gonna drink it down
A one way ticket takes me to the times we had before
When everything felt so right
If only for tonight
I've got a midnight bottle gonna ease my pain
From all these feelings driving me insane
I think of you and everything's all right
If only for tonight
If only for tonight,
Oh if only for tonight,
If only for tonight

I've got a midnight bottle gonna drink it down
A one way ticket takes me to the times we had before
When everything felt so right
If only for tonight,
A midnight bottle gonna ease my pain
From all these feelings driving me insane
I think of you and everything's all right
If only for tonight
Midnight bottle,
Take the time away
From where we are

ps back to studies


Wednesday, October 1, 2008


DETOUR: changes...i hate them. and i really miss you... again... and again....

i had a pretty cruisy day today...handed in an assignment...then went to garbo with scarlet, bel and ken for lunch!
i had a fundae with rainbow icecream from wendys afta =) whilst bel and scarlet enjoyed their healthy moo (frozen yoghurt thing).
i was later left alone as scarlet and bel headed back to uni for a lab so i went shopping and spent alot of money!

did i mention how emo the weather was??
all that raining...EWWW...

last friday i got pulled over by cops on mt bay for speeding...apparently i zoomed past them in the left lane..and i swear i did not see them =/
this was around lunchtime...
i got off with a warning and with the long weekend double demerits...IM NEVER SPEEDING AGAIN!
but its weird coz it felt as if i was driving at 60km/hr...
that nite was carl's farewell at the brisbane...had alot of fun..and then asia cocktail that nite...i left early tho coz i was really drunk... >.< not my proudest moment....

sat...drinks at ken's....yep more drinking...round 2 he called it...
once again i got drunk but we played poker and i managed to beat everyone...drunk...
i guess its a drunken talent??
anyway i was too K.O to drive home >.< and apparenlty i cry and winge alot... gahhhh

its hitting towards 2am and i have to get up at around 7ish tm for uni...but i realy cbb sleeping...jus not so used to sleeping wen the sun jus rises >.< which is really bad...but im so used to it that im wide awake at this hour...sighhhhh
anyway tonite is sarah's farewell at a place in subi! shud be fun! i have a new outfit and i really can't wait~~~
so excited =)


ps im addicted to facebook, 90210, gossip girl and YEY to the new eps of desperate housewives and grey's anatomy! my life now has meaning again LOL

Thursday, September 25, 2008


this week has been BANG BANG BANG for me =(

i hav so much work to do still that i feel so behind =(
no matter how many things i tick off my list of "to-dos" it jus keeps growing!!!

its like a vicious cycle until exams come along then its full-on cramming >.<
i hate cramming and i wish i dind't have to..but atm i dont find hte time for anything!
im juggling so many things at one time that i think im suffocating =(
i dont want to sacrifice anything tho...
but its seroiusly taking a toll on me =( IM STRESSSSSED!!!!!!

why can't life be simple and easy...i need more time!!!!!

FRIDAY! i can't wait! friday is my FREE day and im goin to get drunk =) and worry about all this shit the nex day! WOO!!

ps i can't wait for tm to be over =)