Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Mess much?

I'm looking around my room trying to study and thinking wat a mess it is. lol

my table is like covered in papers and books. You can't even see the printer coz its burried somewhere. I have bobby pins all over. Water Bottles like 5. My keyboard which is wireless is shoved on the side somewhere becoz i've stopped using my desktop pc ever since the macbk came into my life.
There are sticky notes all over my desktop reminding me of things i have to do; like TURN UP TO APPOINTMENTS that i schedule for myself but end up sleeping through -.-

I look to my right and i see jus piles of clothes LOL unfolded on a chair. i jus haven't found the time to fold them yet or hook wateva needs to be hooked up. Besides i don't have enough hooks (least thats my excuse). My belt and scarf collection that i neatly organised in boxes a few weeks ago is a mess. My pile of shopping bags is like overflowing, i think its time i throw some out.

My makeup table is covered with jewellery everwhere! i think i lost the other half to alot of earrings >.<
How i even managed to walk from the door to my bed is an achievement.

if i find the time!
i really want this last exam to pass.
im in holiday mode already =(


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine your room
