Tuesday, October 23, 2007

long time no blog!

yes its been awhile since i've blogged....

not much has happened...as i can rememba... or can be bothered thinking about to type but today is desmond's b'day!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DESMOND! yey ur finally 18 ;) we can go to the casino now =P hahah and gamble ;)

exams are creeping up and im so underprepared =(
-got maths notes to copy out
-finish off ipe journal
-STUPID F*King C project - i hate this unit so much!! the project is MASSIVE!!!!!! sif cater for beginners...
-ilecture EE - omg so bad -.- need to pay attention ...but i can't read hte screen from the back anwyay..least not clearly so i dun't know if im copying stuff down right...

omg i shud jus stop bitching and do sum work!

i want facebook =( though i don't want to get addicted b4 exams so i won't sign up til afta exams =)

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