Sunday, May 25, 2008


i think i really need to spending $$$ lol

i spend so much shopping/ buying useless crap lol
im looking at my closet and boxes of shoes stacked one on top of the other....and then my bag collection >.<
crap where did i find all the money to buy all this stuff....
imagine if i didn't buy all this stuff..i think i'd be able to buy a cheap car or another macbk...mac pro even >.<


note to self: try not to shop...UNLESS ITS TO BUY NECESSITIES >.< for at least the next fortnight...i don't think i'll last a week..but its a goal! FIGHTING!!!



sourlemong said...

lol my friend survived a week on $15

Cocopug said...

'i feel like throwing katt infront of a truck right now for making me feel bad' -Chwee

andu likes boy

Jovina said...

hahaha a week on $15 is nuts :D lol
ummm everything is a necessity these days :D

nutchai said...

repeat quote from naijiao


Just kidding