Wednesday, July 30, 2008

back to the start

uni started for me today!

i had three lectures:
*elec 1300 aka DIGITAL SYSTEMS!
double lecture with gia parish! was loong....but wasn't so bad... i didn't doze off funnily enough..
we're given these free butterfly circuit boards to play around with this sems!
kinda kool...
*cits1220 aka software engineering design
lectured by a lady! thats new for comp sci! =)
she has a nice accent! lol
*elec1302 aka Power & machines technology
it was boring lol
jasmine henry jus talked about fossil fuels..and i frankly - i really dont care!

well i guess im back to the start of a new semester of uni and this time im not alone =)

ps wen will it stop raining??? =/

Sunday, July 27, 2008


i really have been OUT-OF-IT lately =/

haven't had the chance to blog either!
not much has been happening lately...actually now that i think about it...there has been many changes to my life over these hols =) good changes!
i get so tired from work that my sleeping pattern is back to normal =) YEY! and i earn money!
*STUFF i refuse to post up for now *winks*
*driving - yes im goin to drive to uni this sems =)
*OUT - im goin to try and find a balance between uni & my social life!

which brings me to my CRAZYYYYY WEEK! hahaha
the week started off slow....i think....
but i saw dark knight and kung fu panda this week..or was it last week? (i really dont rememba!)
both very good/funny movies =) i highly recommend if anyone is considering seeing it!
i went to leedy on wed nite! i went to the hip-e? or hippy? club!
it was really small BUT i bumped into my highskool friends THAT I HAVE NOT SEEN in over a year! so i had a great time catching up with them girls etc =)
went out to tiger lils friday nite for a few drinks with work ppl =) yey it was fun! and i was very drunk!
sat, being an asian i headed out to metros after work! it was a VERY CROWDED place but fun nite! yey!

uni starts tm cept i hav no classes tm HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
i hav labs on monday but seeing as tho tm is the first day = NO LABS = NO UNI!
i mite jus rock up anyway =)
i think im goin to pop by officeworks tm and buy a few things! WOOT! i love that place!

and i mus go to IKEA sometime! i drove past it today thinking...ITS HUGE. I WANT TO GO IN!
o and i went to the beach for some fresh air today as well! it was nice =) no details shall be given!

DATE: NEX thurs! 07/aug!
it will be fun so COME!

Monday, July 14, 2008

First work shift!

my first work shift was TIRING! they literally do work u to the bone!
i had to carry trays with like glasses of beer, champagne, red wine, white wine etc on them.
Not to mention the juice glasses which were so #@%@#%@ heavy!
my arms are like KO atm =(
and wrist!!!
i don't get how certain people can carry with such ease >.< i rekon i'll get tank after a month LOL

anyway we knocked off work much earlier than expected...say 11ish i i called up dez etc to see where they were...and as per usual a sat nite..being asian u head to metros >.< LOL
its jus the thing u do.
good crowd + alot of alcohol = a nite of CRAZINESS!!!!!! ^_______^

details? find them out urself! surprisingly i actually remember stuff! i didn't blank out =)

we were extremely lucky in getting a taxi straight away..considering we "cut the line" but luckily no one noticed and bottled us! lol
we headed back to lincolns and stayed in the pool house! it was cold but we all managed =)
woke up the nex day feeling really really icky and sick lol
my tummy still does not feel right =S

anyway im goin to try and get some sleep!


Thursday, July 10, 2008


in an attempt to stop madly downloading before i get shaped again...
and sleeping like there is no tomorrow...
i bought SimCity Societies Deluxe Edition!!! YEY!!!
it is currently installing on my PC =)
(i can't believe i paid that much for a game...and ur probs thinking, y don't u jus download it??
but i dont want to download it...i hav to patch it etc and its jus annoying...but anyway...)
feels weird using windows again but that was THE MOST GEEKIEST thing that i've done!
walking into a shop and asking about games...and having all these boys look at me as if im in the wrong shop >.<

the game is taking ages to install -.- and i really want to play it NOW!
i haven't played it since year 8 as it was an IT project for a term! awesome term that was =)
though i failed miserably at the game >.<

ps i am no longer an unemployed bum ^__^ i can pay for my own things! YEY!!!


Saturday, July 5, 2008


everything is back to normal again =)
my net has been reset WOOHOO!!!!

you don't appreciate broadband internet until you get shaped!
i don't know how i managed to go over the limit. i have 40/40gb ALL TO MYSELF ...well technically i share with dad but he's pretty dud and doesn't download...he jus reads the news and checks emails....nothing that really requires alot of mb =)

my holidays have been quite UNCONTRUCTIVE so far!
i haven't really done anythign interesting and my sleeping pattern is totally screwed up!
i don't sleep til 4-5am in the morning...and i don't get up til 3-4pm the nex day =S wat a waste of a morning =S
im trying to change it but its pretty hard esp if im wide awake at 1am >.<
ah well.... lol

i've satisfied my cravings for korean bbq (thanks bel) and u REALLY DO SMELL after!
i showered =) LOL
been to that was one long session..and bel still kicks my ass...EVEN WITH A SORE THROAT! i really have to start doin my ktv homework and sing more than kiss goodbye and that wedding song!

hmmm wat else have i I went to the movies a few times!
but yeah nothing really exciting LOL
i cna't really hang out late which is annoying due to this new P plate curfew...ENFORCED BY LAW that i can't be out driving on the roads past midnight...its really im speeding home at 11.30pm >.<
nothing is worst than ur mother calling u up at 10pm REMINDING you of the p plate curfew >.<
its bad enough having a mother curfew..but this one is like enforced by law...can't really cross it!!!!!!!! **CRIES**
i now know my backroutes very well..if im in the city..then its hte back routes of highgate i weave through =) HAHAHAAH!!!!!
2 months to go! until GREEN Ps!

cbb bloggin more atm! korean dramas here i come!


Thursday, July 3, 2008


because i was tagged by yuvina and cbb blogging about my life now:

Rules of the Taggy Quiz:
A] People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
B] Tag 8 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse.

#1. If your best friend betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
ignore them until i figure out wat to do >.<>

#2. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
win the powerball and go shopping and eat heaps of nice food =) ooo and travel!!!!!!! and stay in 5 star hotels =) PRESIDENTIAL SUITES FTW!!!!!!!!

#3. If you could be at one place right now, where would it be?
umm.... KL with tobz =)
#4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
no jus scared!

#5. What’s your ideal lover like?


#6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
being loved by someone! s2

#7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
i hate waiting...i'll take action not getting any younger...

#8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
unless he's goin in! lol

#9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?

Yes - i refuse to list specifics

#10. What do you want most in life?
to be happy and people to be happy with =)

#11. Is being tagged fun?
i guess since im bored!

#12. How do you see yourself in ten years time?

wrinkle free with NO GREY hair =)

i better not be single!!!

#13. Who holds the most importance in your entire life?
not telling =) you know who u are... **Winks**

#14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
she needs to eat =) HAHAHAAHAH!!!

#15. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?


#16. If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be ?
panda =)

#17. What are one of those things which you would prefer not to do?
eat oysters or watermelon

#18. What kind of person do you think you are?
duno u tell me..and i bet its not good stuff =P

#19. What do you define as a bad day?
wen you feel unhappy...DUH!

#20. If you have to choose between love and friendship, what would it be?

friendship - it lasts forever =)

YEY!!! i did my tagging h/w!!!

now im bored again! LOL shall blog about my week later =)
