Wednesday, July 30, 2008

back to the start

uni started for me today!

i had three lectures:
*elec 1300 aka DIGITAL SYSTEMS!
double lecture with gia parish! was loong....but wasn't so bad... i didn't doze off funnily enough..
we're given these free butterfly circuit boards to play around with this sems!
kinda kool...
*cits1220 aka software engineering design
lectured by a lady! thats new for comp sci! =)
she has a nice accent! lol
*elec1302 aka Power & machines technology
it was boring lol
jasmine henry jus talked about fossil fuels..and i frankly - i really dont care!

well i guess im back to the start of a new semester of uni and this time im not alone =)

ps wen will it stop raining??? =/

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