Thursday, September 25, 2008


this week has been BANG BANG BANG for me =(

i hav so much work to do still that i feel so behind =(
no matter how many things i tick off my list of "to-dos" it jus keeps growing!!!

its like a vicious cycle until exams come along then its full-on cramming >.<
i hate cramming and i wish i dind't have to..but atm i dont find hte time for anything!
im juggling so many things at one time that i think im suffocating =(
i dont want to sacrifice anything tho...
but its seroiusly taking a toll on me =( IM STRESSSSSED!!!!!!

why can't life be simple and easy...i need more time!!!!!

FRIDAY! i can't wait! friday is my FREE day and im goin to get drunk =) and worry about all this shit the nex day! WOO!!

ps i can't wait for tm to be over =)

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