Wednesday, March 12, 2008


im so out of the zone atm...i can't seem to study!

**cries 1000L of tears**

i hav so much uni work to do too..the more i leave it piles up even so depresssssssssed =(

**cries 1000L of tears**

my fav unit at uni is ELEC2304! it totally ROCKS! i literally can stay awake in the lecture & take notes! and all the stuff we're getting taught makes sense to me so as the lecturer talks im like "ah ha ah ha! i totally get that!" lol it jus makes logical sense to me so yey!!
my worst unit is MATH2040! wat is up with taht unit! tho the other day i sat nex to vinnie and i totally understood wat was goin on! =)

i hav that stupid group assignment to do for math2040! hates it! lionel has already completed the seond one **cries 1000L of tears** doesn't really help my case atm! i need to do calmaeth too omg whoever created that...i swear @#%@%#$%$#^#$^#%@^#^#@$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
HATES IT tho it forces to study and learn so i can do it but #$@#$#@%@#%@$#%@%$@%$#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cits units so far so good..ive been keeping up wiht all the workload for them units so yey! ive dune all the labs for this week PLUS I attended the workshop today =) lol

played cooking mama2 today! its aewsome! loves-it =)


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