Thursday, July 10, 2008


in an attempt to stop madly downloading before i get shaped again...
and sleeping like there is no tomorrow...
i bought SimCity Societies Deluxe Edition!!! YEY!!!
it is currently installing on my PC =)
(i can't believe i paid that much for a game...and ur probs thinking, y don't u jus download it??
but i dont want to download it...i hav to patch it etc and its jus annoying...but anyway...)
feels weird using windows again but that was THE MOST GEEKIEST thing that i've done!
walking into a shop and asking about games...and having all these boys look at me as if im in the wrong shop >.<

the game is taking ages to install -.- and i really want to play it NOW!
i haven't played it since year 8 as it was an IT project for a term! awesome term that was =)
though i failed miserably at the game >.<

ps i am no longer an unemployed bum ^__^ i can pay for my own things! YEY!!!


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