Saturday, July 5, 2008


everything is back to normal again =)
my net has been reset WOOHOO!!!!

you don't appreciate broadband internet until you get shaped!
i don't know how i managed to go over the limit. i have 40/40gb ALL TO MYSELF ...well technically i share with dad but he's pretty dud and doesn't download...he jus reads the news and checks emails....nothing that really requires alot of mb =)

my holidays have been quite UNCONTRUCTIVE so far!
i haven't really done anythign interesting and my sleeping pattern is totally screwed up!
i don't sleep til 4-5am in the morning...and i don't get up til 3-4pm the nex day =S wat a waste of a morning =S
im trying to change it but its pretty hard esp if im wide awake at 1am >.<
ah well.... lol

i've satisfied my cravings for korean bbq (thanks bel) and u REALLY DO SMELL after!
i showered =) LOL
been to that was one long session..and bel still kicks my ass...EVEN WITH A SORE THROAT! i really have to start doin my ktv homework and sing more than kiss goodbye and that wedding song!

hmmm wat else have i I went to the movies a few times!
but yeah nothing really exciting LOL
i cna't really hang out late which is annoying due to this new P plate curfew...ENFORCED BY LAW that i can't be out driving on the roads past midnight...its really im speeding home at 11.30pm >.<
nothing is worst than ur mother calling u up at 10pm REMINDING you of the p plate curfew >.<
its bad enough having a mother curfew..but this one is like enforced by law...can't really cross it!!!!!!!! **CRIES**
i now know my backroutes very well..if im in the city..then its hte back routes of highgate i weave through =) HAHAHAAH!!!!!
2 months to go! until GREEN Ps!

cbb bloggin more atm! korean dramas here i come!


1 comment:

Jovina said...

hahaha korean bbq is the bomb. u always smell after >.<

Korean dram <3 so addictive =D