Wednesday, May 28, 2008

80th post >.<

woah i must really love to talk about random stuff coz this is my 80th post >.<

anyway uni has been pretty full on lately =( d/s project finally is OVER!!!! that project was intense LOL but i have two more projects for one more unit (FREAKING WEBTECH!!!) then im free to study for exams! totally sucks coz at that pt its like study break ie one week b4 exams >.<
great....more sleepless days here i come!

its been really rainy, wet and cold lately =( winter is really coming...i hate having to wake up in the morning and go to uni through this weather..its really depressing >.<
i haven't rocked up to any classes in awhile..cept for math2040 calc lectures on thurs! only coz kevin judd is aewsome! and u learn so much jus by sitting there and listening =) not ur ordinary lecture!

hmm i don't know wat else to blog about **thinks**

o yeah! on monday it was ESGR as per usual and since the math assignment was short this week, lionel wanted to go to concas for chilli mussels! but we somehow ended up at myaree utopia >.<>.< it wasnt sickening tho coz it was light ..and not tasted like ur typical asian cheesecake with no BASE!!! lol but it was nice lol
anyway lionel was driving my car..i duno how or why.... but wen we were leaving the place LOL lionel attempted to reverse the car without the engine turned on >.< funny thing was...the car WAS reversing coz it was "in gear" but at the time i sed "the engine isn't on..." LOL!!!!! and he failed to see red lights and had to brake hard....but thats not nearly as funny as the bit wen we got to the manning/leach hwy intersection turning right to get back onto manning rd....lionel parked the car in the WRONG LANE!
me: "i don't think you can turn in this lane"
lionel sed soemthing i don't remember....but we were waiting for the lights to turn green for awhile in order to turn right...and nothing...HAHAHAHA COZ WE PARKED IN THE WRONG LANE!
especially at nite traffic lights run according to the vehicle detector loops! not the timed cycles! ie if a car parks in the'll break some magnetic circuit in the ground (called ur detector loop), sets it off....letting the traffic lights know that a car is parked there rather than waiting for 20s for a traffic cycle in order for ur lights to go green. Very handy at night and i know becoz i worked for mainroads last year =)
so we were pretty much in the wrong lane and NOT setting off the loop to turn so our light would never be green! LOL FAIL! we ended up reversing out of that lane into the correct one...
its okay lionel =) u can't be as bad a driver as me.....
tho i always check if the engine is on b4 i drive and make sure im in the correct lane =P hahaha =)

PS. MSU presents M.E next saturday nite! (07/06/08)
(its ur last chance to go out and de-stress b4 we all enter an exam-studymode-mindset!)
location: Kuppa, Claremont (same venue as last year!)
tix: $15
be quick and get ur name on "the list!" for this EXCLUSIVE event =)



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LOL sif turn into the wrong lane! haha good one!

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