yes as the title suggest...i FAIL at life.
i guess see-mon is finally rubbing off me hahahahah! joking =P
i had my C midsem today..dun't ask.
i also had my driving test today. And for THIRD time, i'll stress again, THIRD TIME...I FAILED!!!!!!! the guy was so mean to me =(
examiner: katherine (who the heck calls me that in the first place?!!), our first exercise for today is finding the street. Lets pretend that you want to turn into that street to your right and you're having a clumsy day that you miss the turn. When you feel safe to do so, make a u-turn and turn into that street. When you have turned into that street keep following the road for further instructions. Understand or do you want me to repeat that katherine?"
me: **thinks** im not a retard...
anyway it was annoying coz he kept calling me KATHERINE....SO DAMN ANNOYINg..i even told him in the begining to call me katt, its jus more me...
sigh*** why i failed u may ask?! well i changed lanes on a non-dashed white line?!! ZOMG LIEK THE WORLD IS GONNA END!!! and its an automatic FAILLLLLLLLLLLLL!
he even sed that out loud - "KATHERINE (FFS!! STOP CALLING ME TAHT!! **RAGE***) you've just driven over the white line. As you may or may not be aware, taht is an automatic fail."
WAHHH DAMN was jus somethign little..i cud do hill parks/ stops (even on a HUGE ASS HILL THAT HAD A STOP SIGN RIGHT AT THE TOP I MEAN WTF?!! THAT STREET IS LIEK OUT TO KILL U!!! WHO DRIVES/LIVES DOWN THAT HILL ANYWAY!! WTF?!) , reverse parking (yeah tahts right leong!i know wat im talking about hahaa...and those who doubt my reverse parking =P) and yet he still failed mean...
and at the end..i cried so hard...literally hysterically wen he told me that i failed..and he sed:
"maybe you shud try out for an autmatic license" **CRIES HARDER** "im only joking, cheer up!"
yeah seriously, liek that sorta joke is gonna cheer me up...
anyway afta all that crying..i finally dragged myself into the centre to pay...$71.80 (yes its that expensive to fail compared to only $21 for log bk if u pass! =) )
i am no officially POOR AND A FAILURE!
on that note: CONGRATULATIONS TO NAGE who PASSED!!! haha we hav a DD!!! YEY =P GG! lol
anyway my nex test is sum place in freo..willagee? leong's place.apparently the ppl there are MUCH NICER and dun't crack black humour when someone is hysterically crying to cheer them up... so hopefully i pass...i dun't want a pity pass.... =( i heaps so emo now =(
not much has happened since i last blogged...probs jus the MSU BALL!!! i will dedicate another post to that sometime later..right now im so tired..had to work straight afta that test with swollen red eyes from crying...
heaps of fotos to post up for MSU BALL SO STAY TUNED AND BE PATIENT!!! =P
i hate life.
i fail.