Monday, September 24, 2007


Another day of uni...
Once agen, as expected, i didnt turn up to maths..but i probs will tm =D
i went to the bank in the morning to sort out a few things, dad drove me all the way to uni =D WOOP WOOP saved 77c on my smartrider but came to uni with no fone credit and barely any money on my smartrider anyway so i had to recharge my fone after using my cap to the maX: $129.99 FTW!! haahahA! and i put $20 on my smartrider too!
SO POOR NOW!! not to mention i bort hte C programming bk..halfway thru the sems as well..o well its worth it if its gonna help me understand this unit and pass with flying colours **FINGERS CROSSED** totally gonna read the bk tonite =D im gonna read it b4 exams =D so i'll be ready, hopefully...

the bk is totally sexy =D the pages feel really nice and there's COLOUR and pictures =D so aewsome!

saw dom's penguin bag today..totally aewsome! i am so gonna buy the penguin one =) woop woop!
IPE lecture was really interesting! best one yet out of all the monday ones =D i managed to not play DS or take it out of my bag..i literally sat there and paid attention for the whole 45mins...was aewsome! it was about environmental engineer stuff in case u were wondering..he heaps scared me tho like if we dun't do stuff to stop releasing bad stuff to the earth, we cud all die =( and hav like no water and stuff ...SCARY!!! least lionel was scared too!

after ipe i pretty bummed around with desmond until my EE LAB..ZOMG TAHT LAB WAS $%$#%#$%##$%#$%#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO FREAKING LOOONG! took the whole 3 hrs..LITERALLY!! most ppl didn't finish either os yeah...good luck to those who have it soon ;)
so i left uni at 6ish **CRIES** hate being at uni til that hour =(

anyway i want to start ready my sexy C programming bk!

EVERYONE VOTE DES YEO #1 for guild council! =)

PS sorry this blog entry contains such bad english/grammar/spelling...i was inspired by dom to blog who has already blogged 3 times today....i only blogged coz of him but cbb doin it properly so yeah excuse the bad english!

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