Wednesday, September 26, 2007


the beloved MCL aka MAths Computing Lab (for the noobs that dun't know wat it is =P)

i am currently at uni at the moment. Jus finished ipe tute and thort i'd copy down sum maths notes..and ZOMG i read on week8 of calc lecture that prof noakes was off on conference? and sum other lecturer is sick? lol ive been missing out on all the 1020 GOSS!! shud start turning up to class!!! well there's week 9 and 10 copy AND stats at the same time =(

im feelin emo much work to do ....
// wrist

**turns on some nouvelle vague musique**

anyway ipe was okay today...tutor didn't talk heaps and we got let out early which is like WOOPEE for this unit...the unit that has 3HOUR TUTES where my tutor actually makes us stay for hte WHOLE 3 hours..and teaches us stuff like LATIN in the spare time -.-
its no wonder i hate the unit..but yeah dun't get me started... ***RAGE***

okay i'll stop raging and find sum food

**Goes to hunt**


sourlemong said...

hope u found some food! :)

Katt said...

lol dw i did!!! =) YUMMO!!
mum made creme brulee..and i tried to make lionel jealous! hahahah!!!