Saturday, September 1, 2007


[mood] : bored
[music] : Kelly Clarkson's breakaway album

To all the bloggers out there: I AM BACK =D

i really should be studying seeing as tho my to do list is very long:
-C programming project 15% due Friday
-IPE large assignment 25%
-MATHS 1020 Stats test, Wed
-E&E topic test, Tues

not to mention i have alot of calc notes to write up! WHY? I no longer am able to wake up early enough to go to maths 1020 lectures at 8am. My body is not designed to wake up early enough to make it on time anymore....Shame...but its okay coz the maths learning zone has replaced me with Dom =P

yesterday was Merdeka (did i spell it right?) Day! everyone was at lionel's for sum kickass laksa! it was good lionel, dun't stress!!!! im not food poisoned..i feel alright afta 24hrs = SUCCESS!!!
i didn't get to taste the shepherd's pie but im sure it was GREAT TOO!!
the fried icecream was aewsome - thanks pjS! first time eating it for me as well!! altho it looked grosse to tasted better wen finished hahaahha! im such a fatty now =( lol

MSU BALL CUMING UP!!! i can't excited =D
for those who do not have tix yet..get them ASAP!!!

argh....i better do sum study...

blog later...


Manjusang_DiDi said...

hey lovely lady :$

that dp is uber cute :O

sourlemong said...

hey katt!!!!!!!!!!

welcome back into the blogosphere :)

Katt said...

hhaha..yes I AM BACK!!!

Meng han: thanks dude =D hehe
desmond sed ur a kool guy =P hahah! he sed ur funny tooo!!!