Wednesday, April 2, 2008

i love you...

i love you... we look so good together... i think its a match made in heaven....

i love you my one and only MACBOOK!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
it feels so nice..even the keyboard is like....OMG ORGASMIC TO TYPE ON!!!
and it doesn't make noises like my hp laptop =P or my pc for that matter...
and it doesn't get hott afta using for long periods of time...
omg its so kool =) except now my credit CARD IS LIEK MAXED OUT!!

**cries 1000L of tears**
goin to get my dad to go to the bank with me fridayd morning to clear this debt!!!!
then i can go SHOPPING AFTAWARDs =) WOOP WOOP!!! ^_________^

i got an itouch too..cept i havent' opened it yet....its still in its box =P
i'll open it wen im bored of my macbk =P then it'll be like WOOOOOOOOW again =)

stupid ebay! i can't log in to buy a macbk cover =(
anyway im not gonna waste my time on blogspot =P im gonna play with my LOVER...

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