Sunday, May 4, 2008

the emptiness within that haunts me..

the 'i hates; that i never want to talk about:

i hate it wen you don't care.
i hate it wen you jus carry on like nothing has changed.
i hate it wen i hear stuff about you that i don't want to know about.
i hate it wen your cold to me.
i hate it how ppl tell me that it'll all be better with time, coz it hasn't.
i hate it how it still affects me.
i hate it how im still hurting.
i hate it how it still bothers me.
i hate having to look at myself in the mirror every morning and tell myself its going to be okay.
i hate having to put on a brave face each day.
i hate having to smile each day.
i hate having to pretend that things will be okay...but wat choice do i have?
i hate it how life jus keeps moving forward without me.
i hate it how its always going to haunt me.
i hate wat has happened.
i hate it all.

i hate it how i know im going to fall apart one day and just break down.

jus go away and leave me alone! because its the emptiness thats left behind that haunts me.


ps sorry for the emo blog =)


Jovina said...

even if u are emo, i will still hold ur hands and be very proud of it :)

BIG HUG and love!!
c u tomoro at uni :)

saygoe said...