PANDAS!!! ever since my project on pandas in year 3...ive loved them ever since...
i rememba the teacher was leaving..and i decided to write a project (VOLUNTARILY) for her to read LOL omg i was such a nerd...i thort that was the best gift at the time.... >.<

i really loved this tv show! esp the host...STEVE =) but i think he died...
rememba MR Salt & Mrs Pepper??

SCONES! my latest addiction... LOL
i really feel like one right now **cries 1000L of tears**

i guess clothes, shoes, bags & accessories all go under this category!

i guess in this dessert category i shall include: kinder chocolate - bueno in particular!, CHEESECAKE!! GIMME CHEESECAKE FOR MY b'day!, oreos, ice-cream, mouth is watering i think i shall stop....

( i cannot be bothered googling and uploading a picture for this!)
CAMWHORING!!!! i like taking fotos and being in fotos...i can't help it! LOL!
FACEBOOK! it keeps me connected to the world LOL i don't think my network wud be as big if it weren't for facebook and myspace! (myspace is jus crap now!)

FOLDING PAPER! i love origami! i've folded jars and jars of cranes...and stawberries!! they look so kool! (SOMEONE TEACH ME HOW TO FOLD STARS!!! I FAIL STILL..AND I BORT SO MUCH STAR PAPER FROM VN TO FOLD!!!)
TRAVELLING! i love travelling but i don't have enough money to go everywhere!!
Hi-5s! i love to hi-5 ppl ...............LOL
LUCKY! my dog..even tho he hates me ..and my parents probs love hte dog more....i still love this dog! he's so cute and u simply can't hate him! =)
my mum thinks its cute wen lucky sleeps on his back and not curl up into a little fur ball! LOL)
FRIENDS & FAMILY ....can't forget these ppl!
i love you all =) even tho u guys piss me off and make me i can always find someone to rage at... =) and u guys wont care...least i freaking hope so =P
i have alot of other "lovers" but i cbb bloggin anymore..i freaking feel tired..and SIF STAY UP SO LATE AND BLOG FOR PPL TO READ! lol i need my sleep! LOL
OMG i refuse to rage LOL sorry i didn't mean to rage at my readers...please keep reading my blog! LOL (i want to increase my site count LOL)
haha i wrote the poem :) i felt like a creativity burst last night :D
omg deserts :) YUM YUM YUM
Shopping, scones, deserts :) I LOVE U FOR THAT!! haha oh and bubble tea. im getting one today after work :P
Wow... sooo many things you love o.O
i can teach u how to fold stars and roses =O
love love meee
it's stationEry... stationAry means stagnant...
what lionel said.
gosh what a loser!
FREAKING !@#$!$!!!!!!!!!!
i know its wrong...i jus cbb editting!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!
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