Friday, May 23, 2008


i feel weird if i don't blog at least once here is my post!


yes i managed to get out of bed today, even through that pouring rain!
*i deserve a pat on the back for that =)*

winter jus reminds me of the days (well everyday) where I LITERALLY STRUGGLE TO GET OUT OF BED!!! and i have 10am thats pretty FAIL!
every morning i debate in my head why i shouldn't get out of bed!

"if i get up now i'd make this bus..and get to uni at this time for this class..which i can ilecture later...sleep?! ZZZZZzzzzZZZZ"

The only reason why i got up today was becoz i thort of tong who i promised i'd meet up with to do our project DUE ON TUES! yeah i had no choice =( LOL
i rocked up at 10 tho..wen we were supposed to meet like at 9 but its okay coz tong was late too LOL I BLAME THE RAIN!!! LOL
rain jus makes u want to stay in bed longer =) i love lying in the bed and listening to the rain pouring...freaking winter makes me want to hav a bf...its so cold without one =(
i want to hold someone's hand (not a girlS!) and like jus walk LOL
omg so lame -.-
i miss all that couple stuff...sigh... SFL right??!!!
*Cries 1000L of tears**
finally signed up for that tv ad agency thing today =) the lady was really positive and sed she was trying to track me down since 30th april -.-
im pretty sure i left contact details tho so yeah...
i jus got to set up a profile then im all set...she asked me if i was singaporean.....hmm LOL
i looked thru the ads they had up to sign up much acting stuff and im kinda nervous.
last time i did "acting" was in english lit speaking shakespeare -.- memorising them lines was painful! >.< scared...wat hav i signed myself into >.< WAHHH!!!

anyway 1am = bedtime!
especially wen its raining now =) i want to lie in bed and sleep listening to the rain in the background =)

ps watched desperate housewives finale! its intense! i got scared >.< sighhhh i jus fail...


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