Thursday, May 1, 2008

out of place!

im sitting in some weirdass commerce lecture and feeling extremely LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the lecturer is like some short asian lady that has no dress sense...she's wearing these fugly pearl earrings with this poo-color officey jacket thing...and "trying" to be fashionable with these nerdy square glasses with sequins on both sides..and makeup..omg dunt go there....
and she has really bad regrowths...worse than me =) LOL

she's heaps demanding..."for this week's tute i expect everyone not to refer to their textbooks ....rememba the formulas because u will not be given any in the exam..."

ee today was absolute FAIL! since john dell is on some conference..we have this weird ass american dude lecturing us...HE'S SO FREAKING BORING...I ENDED UP WEBSURFING INSTEAD! LOL! and trying to hold a convo with scarlet! im so lost for the second part of this unit! >.< its so freaking the tute today...i was like...wats going on...i dont' understand a thing...omg BULK STUDY THIS W/E!!!!!! and part a of qn 2 was like...half a page long wiht weird ass calculations using weird ass formulas.... **sighs** my fav unit is beginning to fail me...
**cries 1000L of tears**

hmmm.....this commerce lecture is so boring and i feel as if someone behind me is reading this blog as i type...i feel so insecure LOL
and yuvina is like fully is hte guy nex to me...i think...but yuvina's bro was like on facebook LOL hmm....

i think tats enough bloggin for now!
i shud do some work and "try" to fit in with the commerce students....



Jovina said...

FUCKING RAGING AT THE MOMENT!!! this asian lecturer is so short and stubby and im gonna wax her eyebrows because im RAGING. Freaking caveman style

Jovina said...

my bro is playing game. WTF is wrong with him? I hate smart people. Im gonna throw scones at his face!!! **CRIESSSSS****